
Springtime and Allergies. 5 Tips to Help You

Spring weather is always welcome, but the massive quantity of pollen in the air can trigger a severe reaction in people who suffer from asthma and allergies. Fortunately, there are many sensible measures you can take to reduce your exposure. Here are five tips to help you manage springtime allergies.

Consult a Heating and Cooling Professional

Spring pollen is abundant, and contaminants often become trapped indoors, especially in tight homes. An HVAC professional can design a system that eliminates airborne pollen by implementing a comprehensive IAQ strategy.

  • Air Purifiers: Advanced filters and air purifiers trap pollen and other particulate matter as the air passes through your HVAC system. Most contractors recommend installing filters with a minimum MERV 7 rating.
  • Mechanical Ventilation: Mechanical ventilators create a slight positive pressure in your home so pollen can’t enter the living area through gaps in the perimeter envelope.

Reduce Your Exposure to Allergens

To help reduce the effects of pollen, it’s important to minimize your exposure to the most common triggers.

  • Avoid gardening and mowing the lawn
  • Remain indoors on windy days
  • Always remove clothes and shoes worn outdoors
  • Shower in the evening to wash away pollen

Find Effective Medication

There are several over-the-counter allergy products that have proven to be very effective when used regularly.

  • Decongestants
  • Antihistamines
  • Nasal sprays

Use a Sinus Rinse

Pollen builds up in your sinus passages, and using a rinse from a neti pot or squeeze bottle will flush out contaminated mucous.

Keep Your House Buttoned Up

Opening doors and windows in the spring allows pollen-saturated air to enter the indoor environment. Try to avoid airing out your home until the pollen count drops to normal levels.

Call the Indoor Air Quality Specialists

If someone in your family suffers from respiratory ailments, you may have an indoor air quality problem. Call one of Assurance’s courteous representatives at 84-388-0316 to learn more about our complete IAQ solutions.

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