
How a Professional HVAC Company Helps You Choose the Right New Furnace

If you need to replace your heating system, the best time to purchase a new one is before your old one breaks down. There are many types of furnaces, boilers and heat pumps that work well in northeastern Illinois. However, it may be difficult to decide which HVAC unit best suits your situation.

Assurance Heating and Air Conditioning can evaluate your heating and cooling needs and recommend a heating system that works with your budget and indoor comfort needs. Here are a few ways we can help you select a heating unit.

Evaluate the Efficiency of Your Existing Unit

If your heating system requires frequent repairs or is more than 10 years old, it may be time to replace it. Assurance Heating and Air’s NATE-certified technicians can evaluate the efficiency of your furnace. Newer units must meet federal standards for annual fuel utilization efficiency ratings for the northern U.S.

AFUE ratings measure how much heat a unit produces compared to the energy required to produce it. An AFUE rating of 90 means that the unit loses only 10 percent of its energy to produce heat. Older units may have AFUE values as low as 55. Units with higher AFUE ratings often cost more, but reduced energy bills can quickly recoup the cost.

Recommend Products That Meet Your Indoor Comfort Needs

If your home has hot and cold spots, drafts or uncomfortable humidity levels, we recommend products that provide even, comfortable heating and cooling. We are a Carrier Authorized Dealer, and we also install all makes and models of heating and cooling equipment.

We analyze the building and grounds to determine the proper size of unit required to heat and cool your home effectively. We calculate load requirements according to Manual J for new furnace installations. We look at the way rooms are used, presence of shade trees, amount of insulation and number of doors and windows. This allows us to recommend products that keep your home comfortable and work with your budget.

For more information about new HVAC products that save money and energy, call (847) 388-0316 to talk to one of our technicians. We provide 24/7 emergency service. We are licensed, insured and bonded.

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