
Professional AC Consultations Provide Valuable Insight

When was the last time you had a professional AC consultation at your Buffalo Grove, IL, home? Expert air conditioning services, including maintenance services, give you valuable insight into the condition and efficiency of your equipment. Here are some things you learn about your system when you schedule a maintenance service or consultation.

System Function

Although you might not have any obvious problems with your air conditioner, an operations test gives you much-needed information about your equipment’s functionality. Service technicians turn on the air conditioner and listen while it runs. Experts can pick up on minor issues better than the average person because they know AC equipment inside and out. If there’s a problem, they’ll give you their assessment and make suggestions for repairs. Technicians can complete most repairs during the same visit.

System Efficiency

Have your energy bills been higher than usual? Do you feel like some rooms cool faster or better than others? A professional consultation addresses these concerns. The service technician can check for low refrigerant, obstructions in the ductwork, and other mechanical issues that lower the equipment’s efficiency. Fixing problems that reduce the system’s efficiency lowers your energy costs and helps the unit reach its maximum lifespan with fewer expensive repairs.

System Lifespan

Everyone wants to get as many years from their air conditioning equipment as possible. The average air conditioner lasts between 10-20 years. AC units that get regular maintenance tend to last the longest.

Often, people call for service, not realizing their system is in dire straits. To their surprise, they get handed an expensive air conditioner replacement bill. The fact is that eventually, all air conditioning systems need replacing, but you don’t have to get taken by surprise. Professional AC consultation services give you insight into how your system is functioning and whether it’s nearing the end of its lifespan. This information provides homeowners valuable time to pick out a replacement system without feeling rushed.

If you’d like to learn more about the health of your air conditioning service, call Assurance Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. to schedule a professional AC consultation or HVAC maintenance services with one of our experts.

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