
The Latest Improvements On Gas Furnaces

Illinois winters require heating systems that can stand up to extreme weather. For Glenview residents, a good furnace is a homeowner’s best friend. If you’re considering a furnace replacement this fall, here are some features designed to help your new furnace work hard and work smart.

High Efficiency Performance

Furnaces get more efficient every year. The more efficient the furnace, the less energy it will use and the lower your heating costs will be. If you want optimal bang for your energy buck, always buy the most efficient furnace you can afford. If you install a high-efficiency furnace before the end of 2016, you can qualify for a federal tax rebate of up to $300.

Zoned Heating

Zoning allows you to maintain different temperatures in different rooms or zones. Enjoy consistent warmth in the rooms you use, and keep temperatures low in rooms not currently in use. Zoning is most efficient in large homes; you can have all the warmth you want without heating up the whole house.

Ignition Systems

Traditional gas furnaces operate via a pilot light. Newer furnaces have direct spark, hot surface or intermittent ignition systems. These systems cost less to use and eliminate the need for a pilot light. Furnaces equipped with the new ignition systems are more efficient and boast higher AFUE ratings.

Variable Speed Blowers

Variable speed blowers automatically determine how much heat is needed at any given time. The result is consistent warmth instead of cyclic blasts of hot air. Variable speed blowers deliver more comfort and energy usage is more efficient.

Dual Heat Exchangers

Newer furnaces can have a primary heat exchanger and a secondary heat exchanger. Dual heat exchangers allow furnaces to extract more heat from burned gas. This means more efficient use of energy and lower heating bills.

Air Filtration Systems

Advanced filtration systems can reduce the amount of dust in a heating system. This is a great way to protect anyone in your family who suffers from respiratory disorders.

For helpful tips on how to increase energy efficiency in your Glenview home this winter, visit Assurance Heating & Air Conditioning or call 847-388-0316.

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