
Is Your Home Properly Insulated? Here’s What to Look for.

Energy is the ultimate escape artist. Without adequate home insulation, it can sneak through any surface undetected. If your home in Buffalo Grove is plagued by hot and cold spots or sky-high energy bills, it could be letting you know that it is not properly insulated.

How to Check Your Home’s Insulation

According to a 2015 study sponsored by the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association, 90 percent of homes surveyed were underinsulated. Chances are that your house could use extra insulation. Experts recommend focusing on these areas in order of importance.

  • Attics
  • Exterior walls
  • Floors over unheated spaces
  • Basement walls below ground
  • Windows and doors

Recommended Home Insulation Levels in Illinois

Take a look inside your attic. Insulation should be distributed evenly across the joists and into the eaves. You should have at least 14 inches of insulation rated at R38 or better. If the insulation is uneven or slumped below the joists, it’s time to add more.

Insulating exterior walls in existing homes is a complex project without professional assistance. Blown-in insulation and specialized sheathing boards are suitable for enhancing this part of your building’s insulation envelope.

If your home has frigid floors, extra insulation can amp up your comfort and lower your energy bills. Floors adjoining basements are accessible and relatively easy to insulate. Weatherizing the sill plate at the top of the foundation is another cost-effective improvement.

Benefits of Beefing up Your Insulation

According to Energy Star, sealing just 25 percent of your home’s air leaks can lower your heating and cooling costs by 16 percent. Robust insulation that’s appropriate for our climate will also enhance your family’s comfort.

Although we don’t offer insulation services, we can help you improve your home’s energy efficiency in other ways. To learn more, check out our energy-saving solutions, or call Assurance Heating & Air Conditioning at 847-388-0316. We offer insulation services to customers across Chicago’s northwestern suburbs.

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