
Is Your Home Ready for Allergy Season?

The signs of spring are starting to sprout in Cook County, IL, as warmer weather slowly moves into the area.  While sunny days and higher temperatures will no doubt be welcomed after the long, cold winter, spring also brings with it allergy season. Now is the time to take action to get your home ready.

How Indoor Air Quality Affects Allergy Symptoms

While most people are aware of outdoor allergy triggers, you might be surprised to learn that the quality of the air inside your house might be worse than the outdoors. During the winter, dust may have allowed dust mites to proliferate. Pets kept inside all winter may have resulted in plenty of dander building up around the house. Off-gassing of carpets, upholstered furniture and plastics adds to the poor quality of the air. Cooking and cleaning fumes, volatile compounds from hobby supplies and the smoke from burning candles only worsen the situation. All of these factors can trigger or worsen your springtime allergies.

The Importance of Air Filters

Over the long winter, layers of dust and dirt accumulated on the surface of your HVAC system’s air filter. Each time the system cycles, some of this dust and dirt is blown through the air ducts right into your living spaces. The filled pores of the air filter are unable to capture any new dust, pollen or mold spores, causing the amount of allergens in the air to increase.

Air filter replacement is a simple, cost-effective and quick solution to get your home ready for allergy season. Select the highest MERV rating of air filter that fits into your cooling system. The higher the MERV rating, the smaller the particles the filter is able to capture. For the best results, replace the air filter every 30 to 90 days throughout the spring and summer months, depending on how dirty your filter gets between changes. As an added benefit, maintaining a clean air filter boosts the air conditioner’s efficiency and performance by up to 15 percent.

How Air Purifiers Can Help

Most homeowners keep the windows and doors tightly sealed in the winter. This prevents fresh air from replacing air of substandard quality. As the same old dirty and stale air circulates, this can aggravate or trigger allergies. Air purifiers capture airborne contaminants in your home. An air purification system can be built into the heating and cooling system or you can get a portable purifier and place it in the room where you spend most of your time.

With help from our service technicians at Accurate Comfort Services, you won’t have to spend this spring sniffling and sneezing. We offer air purification systems and air conditioner maintenance to improve the quality of your home’s air. Give us a call today and enjoy the benefits of clean indoor air.

Learn More About Keeping Your Inside Air Comfortable and Clean

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