
Annual Furnace Maintenance is Crucial

When temperatures start to drop for the coming winter, it’s time to turn on the heat in Skokie, IL. Before you do, though, it’s important that a professional performs maintenance and necessary repairs. While you’ve probably heard this before, you may not realize why maintenance is so crucial. In fact, there are a few very good reasons why you need to have an annual furnace maintenance plan.

Annual Maintenance Saves Money in the Long Run

Performing maintenance on your furnace at least once a year can save you money. It extends the life of your furnace because its components are susceptible to wear over the course of time. However, a trained professional can ensure that they work for as long as possible.

Also, annual maintenance helps ensure that your unit operates as efficiently as possible. Then, it won’t consume more energy than it should to heat your home. As a matter of fact, studies show that regular maintenance can reduce energy bills by up to 30%.

Regular Maintenance Protects Your Indoor Air Quality

Annual furnace maintenance makes sure that your unit doesn’t compromise your indoor air quality. Furnaces produce byproducts when they burn fuel. These can be hazardous to your health if not they are not vented correctly. Your furnace has mechanisms that prevent these byproducts from contaminating your indoor air. A professional can ensure that those components are working properly.

Annual Furnace Maintenance Helps Prevent Gas Leaks

Regular maintenance helps keep you and your family safe from gas leaks. It’s vital to ensure that the combustion process works correctly on a gas-burning furnace. If there’s a problem, then it could leak gas and put your family at risk. A professional can detect any potential risks for a gas leak and give you peace of mind.

Is it time to turn on your furnace for the cold months ahead? Assurance Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. can help you save money and keep your home safe. You can learn more on our page about our professional heating services and maintenance plans, or call (847) 388-0316.

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