
Stay Safe While Using Your Furnace

Many of the residents in Wheeling, IL use furnaces to keep their families warm through the harsh, unforgiving winters. Of course, any appliance that uses gas or oil needs to be properly cared for and ventilated. Anyone who has a furnace needs to know about combustion pollutants and how to deal with them.

Identifying the Dangers of Carbon Monoxide

When furnaces burn gas or oil, they produce byproducts that can cause potential health risks to those who live in the house. Exposure to low levels of one such byproduct, carbon monoxide, can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Exposure to high levels of the gas can be deadly.

A carbon monoxide leak can be the result of a problem with the heat exchanger, flue, or burner. The flame for the pilot light will be blue if it is functioning properly and it will be yellow if there is a problem. To prevent any health problems caused by carbon monoxide in your home, there are several steps you should take:

  • Have annual heating maintenance performed by a skilled professional.
  • Occasionally check the pilot light on your furnace.
  • Make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector near your bedroom and test it regularly.

Be Aware of Nitrogen Dioxide and its Effects

Another byproduct of burning gas or oil, nitrogen dioxide, can also cause health issues. Exposure to this gas can result in irritation to the eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory tract. Extremely high levels of carbon monoxide can cause pulmonary edema and diffuse lung injury.

Additionally, prolonged or continued exposure has been linked with the development of acute or chronic bronchitis. A build-up of nitrogen dioxide in the home is the result of inadequate ventilation.

The experts at Assurance Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. can help you enjoy optimal comfort while also providing you with peace of mind. For more information on our services, visit us at our website or give us a call at (847) 388-0316.

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