
Stuffy Air During Winter Isn’t Healthy Air

During the winter months, it is easy to hunker down in your Illinois home as you wait for the cold to pass. However, this can result in a stuffy environment, which can trigger allergies and perpetuate illnesses. There are many reasons to be alert to your indoor air quality, and there are plenty of solutions for improving the conditions in your home.

Trapped Pollutants

Ventilation used to be more effective in the typical residence as homeowners opened windows to create a flow of fresh air. Today, ventilation systems are needed to handle this exchange of fresh and stuffy air. An inefficient ventilation system could affect your home environment and your family’s health. Today’s construction standards also play a role in the indoor air quality in your home. Tight sealing produces great energy performance results but makes it difficult for pollutants to escape, which can contribute to problems with allergies. Some trapped materials are actually linked to cancers, making it important to pay attention to ventilation issues. As you work to keep your home comfortable, be mindful of these details.

Germs and Bacteria

Because colds and the flu are predominant during cold weather, it is more likely that the related germs will be tracked into your home at some point. A stuffy house may provide an environment that is prime for the spread of these illnesses. Additionally, the use of your heating system can cause your mucous membranes to dry out, which can make you even more vulnerable to winter germs. A germicidal air purification system is an excellent tool for combating these germs. This type of air purification unit traps and kills a large percentage of such bio-materials. The use of a furnace humidifier is also helpful for keeping a healthy level of moisture in the air supply of your home.

Freshen Up Your Indoor Air Supply

Assurance Heating & Air Conditioning can provide a review of your home’s IAQ issues to identify HVAC concerns and other factors contributing to a stuffy and unhealthy environment. Our technicians can discuss indoor air quality services and systems when you call us at 847-388-0316.

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