
3 Signs Your AC Filter Needs To Be Replaced

Regularly replacing dirty air filters is a great way to make your Buffalo Grove, IL, home more comfortable and energy-efficient. To avoid overlooking this essential maintenance task, watch for these telltale signs to learn when to replace your AC filter.

Less Effective Temperature Control

To keep your home cool, your AC system must move large volumes of air quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, a soiled air filter makes this task much more difficult. The more the filter media becomes clogged with particulate matter, the less space remains for air to pass through. This can increase resistance, producing weak or uneven airflow and preventing conditioned air from being distributed effectively. Consequently, your home may feel less comfortable and take longer than usual to cool down.

Unexpectedly High Utility Bills

Have your recent energy bills been consistently higher than anticipated for no apparent reason? Does it seem like your air conditioner is always running without making your home any cooler? This can happen for many reasons, but your AC filter is the best place to start. Clogged filters reduce the amount of cool air reaching your living space, wasting energy and increasing your HVAC system’s workload. Installing a fresh replacement can significantly improve performance, immediately slashing energy consumption by as much as 15%.

Visible Buildup of Dust and Dirt

Once AC filters are soiled, they become less effective in removing particulate matter from the air. As a result, you may notice more dust clinging to registers and vent covers and settling on surfaces around your home. Of course, the most important place to check for dirt is on the filter itself. To do this, simply remove the filter and hold it up to a light source. If no light passes through the filter, it’s time to replace it.

Don’t let a dirty filter bring your air conditioning system to its knees. Call Assurance Heating & Air Conditioning for all your HVAC maintenance needs, from high-quality replacement AC filters to comprehensive tune-ups and convenient service reminders.

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